Tuesday, May 13, 2008

birth control & the young black female.

"man im jus praying for a period" - lovetrain

As a college student at a HBCU, there are many things yoiu can find yourself getting into that can't get yourself out of. For instance, I myself had to take a few accounting classes twice due to my inability to perform adequately in the classroom, but life goes on. In some peoples decision at any university sex, drugs and alcohol are the easiest escapes from the college stressors and pressures. But in high consumption of any of the three, may lead to ones addiction, injury or even death. But in sex, the worst case scenario, besides HIV, is pregnancy. I believe there is no way of getting around having sex in the college atmosphere. The whole, no-parenting-endless-freedom-too-much-free-time is just asking for someone to commit premarital intercourse. But what hurts me the most, is to see young black females with there head on straight and ready to rip the world into pieces get pregnant. It seems that the more you have sex with a person the more you feel comfortable with them, which may lead to not using a condom. Now, I know she can't help if a guy decides not to put on protection, but as a black female you must be ready for any and everything out here so I don't see why more black women are on birth control. If you are a young black woman and you KNOW you are sexually active why not get the shot, pill, patch, etc. There have been too many advancements in science to not want to protect yourself. I believe no one at this age is ready for a child financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I understand there are a few side effects like weight gain, mood swings and such but if I were a female i would be on birth control ASAP. Another weird factor is once getting preggo, females have to make the decision of to keep the child or abort it. No woman should be forced to make such a choice like that, so to avoid that all together, I suggest you (the female) to get on birth control. Everyone knows birth control can be a rough transition when first getting on it, but is it not worth it. I've seen too many go down the broken road of leaving there dreams or delaying them for a baby. In this day in time, the condoms seem to be getting thinner and the sex is becoming more demanding. Protect yourself and your future ladies, please. There is way too much at stake for you to be starting a family now.

SIDENOTE: Any female that has had a baby or is having a baby that is under 23 or having a child that is unexpected I praise you. You are stronger than you ever thought you were and you and your healthy baby is still here. This blog is not here to attack you, but to give light to the younger sisters of your generation to be aware and know whats going on. I am not trying to bash you or hate on you. I love you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well well well, its me your BFF. BUSEY! I thank you for the side note. Just another thing, not everybody is ready for a baby at this age but I can say that God prepared me a whole lot and my daughter's father is our biggest supporter. So some are ready or can get ready when you do get pregnant. I do feel bad for the ones who are less fortunate, but I thank the Lord everyday for all the support and help I have! Besides, my dreams were never put on hold,I'm definately living them!